Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Connection- A Walk To Remember.
This in a way is related my friends parents. Her mom and dad were in the same situation but they were older then Jaime and Landon. Her father was the one who had cancer. About 5 months after she was born they had went to a doctor and they told them that he had been diagnosed with cancer. She didnt know what type but all she knew is that he had cancer. When she was about two years old her father had passed away , so she grew up without knowing her own father. She has pictures with him as a little girl but sometimes she wonders what it wold be like if actually knew what it would be like to know her father. When she was about six her mother had married her step dad , she loves him like if he were her real dad , but at times she wishes she knew who her real father was.
I Needed To Do What I Had To
"If I wanted to go to UNC , I had to do something."
Landon hadnt really thought about going to college until he started to talk to Jaime. She had asked him what his plans were for the future. He had a big dream about going to medical school and to just finish college. When he had started to think about what he was going to do he had filled out an application for the college he was proud about his decision to go to college.
This is a siggnificant moment because Jaime had changed his mind about going to college and to really think about his future and about the things he was going to do.
Landon hadnt really thought about going to college until he started to talk to Jaime. She had asked him what his plans were for the future. He had a big dream about going to medical school and to just finish college. When he had started to think about what he was going to do he had filled out an application for the college he was proud about his decision to go to college.
This is a siggnificant moment because Jaime had changed his mind about going to college and to really think about his future and about the things he was going to do.
Im Sorry. . .
"I promise to make it up to you."
In the book Landon had "dissed" Jaime infront pof his own friends. He was still secretley trying ot hide the fact that he had a friendship with Jaime. He went to her house to apoligize to her but she had just slammed the door in his face. He finally got her to come out and he started to tell her how sorry he was about what had happened. She finally kinda forgave him , and he said "I promise to make it up to you." When she forgave him they started to talk about the play and the started to reherse there lines together.
This moment is significant because its a step closer to Landon falling in love with Jaime. It brought them closer to eachother and they understood how eachother works now.
In the book Landon had "dissed" Jaime infront pof his own friends. He was still secretley trying ot hide the fact that he had a friendship with Jaime. He went to her house to apoligize to her but she had just slammed the door in his face. He finally got her to come out and he started to tell her how sorry he was about what had happened. She finally kinda forgave him , and he said "I promise to make it up to you." When she forgave him they started to talk about the play and the started to reherse there lines together.
This moment is significant because its a step closer to Landon falling in love with Jaime. It brought them closer to eachother and they understood how eachother works now.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Just 17
"When I was seventeen my life changed forever."
In the story Landon says in the beggining and end of the story. He beggins with it one the prologue part of the book. He says his life changed forever when he started to get to know who Jaime really was. And not just some type of religious girl whos the daughter of the revran. When he told her he loved her he knew his life wouldnt be the same after. He had feelings for her like he never had for anyone else in his life.
In the story Landon says in the beggining and end of the story. He beggins with it one the prologue part of the book. He says his life changed forever when he started to get to know who Jaime really was. And not just some type of religious girl whos the daughter of the revran. When he told her he loved her he knew his life wouldnt be the same after. He had feelings for her like he never had for anyone else in his life.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
It Was A Walk To Remember
"It was , I remember thinking , the most difficult walk anyone ever had to mak e, in every way a walk to remember."
Page 237
Jaime slowly made her way down the aisle with the only strength that she had left in her. Her father supporting her down the aisle walking with her towards Landon. Half way down the aisle Landon noticed she was getting tired of walking but she didnt give up. She took a moment to take a deep breath and kept walking. When she finally got to Landon A nurse had rolled a wheelchair to Jaime so she can sit down while her father began the wedding. A short time after the wedding Jaime had passed , and Landon had done the things he promised he would earlier in the book. After Jaimies death Landon still wore his wedding ring to show that he still loved Jaime very much and his love would continue after she was gone.
This quote is significant because it gives the whole story the main title , "A Walk To Remember." It shows that Landon wasnt just using her but he really truly loved her for her. He wasnt doing the things he did to other girls to her. When he asked her to marry him her father knew that Landon really did care for his daughter and he would allow the wedding and marriage to happen even though Jaime had not enough time to live , but Landon didnt care he loved her in everyway and didnt care how much time they had together.
Page 237
Jaime slowly made her way down the aisle with the only strength that she had left in her. Her father supporting her down the aisle walking with her towards Landon. Half way down the aisle Landon noticed she was getting tired of walking but she didnt give up. She took a moment to take a deep breath and kept walking. When she finally got to Landon A nurse had rolled a wheelchair to Jaime so she can sit down while her father began the wedding. A short time after the wedding Jaime had passed , and Landon had done the things he promised he would earlier in the book. After Jaimies death Landon still wore his wedding ring to show that he still loved Jaime very much and his love would continue after she was gone.
This quote is significant because it gives the whole story the main title , "A Walk To Remember." It shows that Landon wasnt just using her but he really truly loved her for her. He wasnt doing the things he did to other girls to her. When he asked her to marry him her father knew that Landon really did care for his daughter and he would allow the wedding and marriage to happen even though Jaime had not enough time to live , but Landon didnt care he loved her in everyway and didnt care how much time they had together.
Monday, October 31, 2011
A Walk To Remember
"Jamie saved my life. She taught me everything. About life, hope and the long journey ahead. I'll always miss her. But our love is like the wind. I can't see it, but I can feel it."
In the story a walk to remember this is the last thing said. Landon had just lost his wife Jaime to cancer. They had just gotten married not to long ago and he lost his first love and the girl he was so honest to , never did anything to hurt her. He wanted to do things that would help his future and promised himself he would do it. When Jaim was gone he did everything he said he would do for her. Even after they she had died he still wore his weeding ring to show her that he still loves her.
In the story a walk to remember this is the last thing said. Landon had just lost his wife Jaime to cancer. They had just gotten married not to long ago and he lost his first love and the girl he was so honest to , never did anything to hurt her. He wanted to do things that would help his future and promised himself he would do it. When Jaim was gone he did everything he said he would do for her. Even after they she had died he still wore his weeding ring to show her that he still loves her.

Thursday, October 20, 2011
Margaret And I.
In the book that im reading Are You There God? It's Me Margaret. I can relate to Margaret in a way because i had to move from loved ones just like her when i was younger. I had to move from an apartment building away from my friends just like her. And she had to make new friends but i wasnt able to because i had moved into a house. I know the way she felt when she thought she was going to be alone but she ended up making friends. She had to go to a new school and i didnt , i still had to go to the same school but just moved into a different place where i didnt know anyone. I had to get used to the fact that i had no one to play with.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
I think I have only seen a movie relating to the book Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl. The movie was just as sad as the book. The movie wass called The Boy In The Striped Pajamas. Its about a little boy who's father is in the Nazi party , one day he sneeks off to a concentration camp where he meets a little boy in the camp. He then becomes his friend and one day sneaks into the camp and had changed into a striped uniforn that looked like pajamas to help the boy look for his father , who doesnt know has been killed , and when they go into a loge they end up getting taken to take a "bath". And if you want to know what happens watch the movie(:
It reminded me about the book because it had to do with the Halocaust and with Nazis and the concentration camps , all that Anne and her family had been hiding from for two years but ended up getting cought.
It reminded me about the book because it had to do with the Halocaust and with Nazis and the concentration camps , all that Anne and her family had been hiding from for two years but ended up getting cought.
Monday, October 3, 2011
" All children must look after there own upbringing "
Anne and her father are having a talk , and she feels down about not being able to go outside and breath fresh air.
I chose this quote because not everyone can depend on somthing or someone to make them happy. We have to look after our own selfs and no one else.
Anne and her father are having a talk , and she feels down about not being able to go outside and breath fresh air.
I chose this quote because not everyone can depend on somthing or someone to make them happy. We have to look after our own selfs and no one else.
Earn it
" We have reasons to hope for happiness , but . . . we must earn it for ourselves. "
Anne is upset and tired and doesnt feel well. She wants the war to be over so she can play and be outside and just be free.
I chose this quote because it makes so munch sence. It is true you can hope for happiness but hapiness may not always come , to get happiness you have to earn it.
Anne is upset and tired and doesnt feel well. She wants the war to be over so she can play and be outside and just be free.
I chose this quote because it makes so munch sence. It is true you can hope for happiness but hapiness may not always come , to get happiness you have to earn it.
Appear , and Gives
" Laziness may appear attractive , but work gives satisfaction. "
In this section Anne talks about Peter , Margo , and Herself. How they are much alike but don't live the same lives.
I chose this quote because it is true.Laziness may seem cool , but work is satisfaction , you get things done and it is best to do things first and relax later.
In this section Anne talks about Peter , Margo , and Herself. How they are much alike but don't live the same lives.
I chose this quote because it is true.Laziness may seem cool , but work is satisfaction , you get things done and it is best to do things first and relax later.
Golden Rules
" Theres one golden rule to keep you: laugh about everything and don't bother yourself about others.! "
Anne was feeling upset about peter. She had thought that Margot was interested in him to. She was feeling sad because he was the only young man in the house and her sister might like him.
I chose this quote because it is true no matter what puts you down , always think of yourself and be happy.
Anne was feeling upset about peter. She had thought that Margot was interested in him to. She was feeling sad because he was the only young man in the house and her sister might like him.
I chose this quote because it is true no matter what puts you down , always think of yourself and be happy.
" We have been pointedly reminded that we are in hiding , that we are Jews in chains , chained to one spot , without any rights , but with a thousand duties. "
Robbers had broken into the building. Mr.Koophius had told them that they were not aloud out of the " Secret Annex " into the offices anymore , that it is to dangerous now especually that people have had broken intoi the building. Anne , Margot , and Peter are dissapointed knowing there not able to shower in there own private rooms were they had before.
I chose this quote because it sounded interesting to me and so true. Jews werent able to do anything it all. They were treated like animals , not even human beings. It sucks that they were treated so bad in the past.
Robbers had broken into the building. Mr.Koophius had told them that they were not aloud out of the " Secret Annex " into the offices anymore , that it is to dangerous now especually that people have had broken intoi the building. Anne , Margot , and Peter are dissapointed knowing there not able to shower in there own private rooms were they had before.
I chose this quote because it sounded interesting to me and so true. Jews werent able to do anything it all. They were treated like animals , not even human beings. It sucks that they were treated so bad in the past.
It Will Change
" It will alter. "
In this part of the book , Anne is getting sick and tired of being in the " Secret Annex ". She is so tired of being locked up inside a small place , she wants to go outdside and breath fresh air , she hates not being able to talk as loud as she used to.
I chose this quote because i love the way the vocabulary is chosen , and how Peter comforts her by saying things will change in the future. Anne really believes that things will change in the near future and hopes that the war will be end.
In this part of the book , Anne is getting sick and tired of being in the " Secret Annex ". She is so tired of being locked up inside a small place , she wants to go outdside and breath fresh air , she hates not being able to talk as loud as she used to.
I chose this quote because i love the way the vocabulary is chosen , and how Peter comforts her by saying things will change in the future. Anne really believes that things will change in the near future and hopes that the war will be end.
"It is just as dangerouse for seven as for eight."
In this part of the book the Franks had decided to invite an eighth person into the " secret annex ". Meip had arranged for it to happen. They had decided to invite a dentist named Albert Dussel.
I chose this quote because it is true in the " secret annex " no matter how many people there are the amount of danger is always the same.
In this part of the book the Franks had decided to invite an eighth person into the " secret annex ". Meip had arranged for it to happen. They had decided to invite a dentist named Albert Dussel.
I chose this quote because it is true in the " secret annex " no matter how many people there are the amount of danger is always the same.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Anne Frank The Diary Of A Young Girl
I like this book so much that I've read it about 3 times. I find her story and the way she discribes her life so interesting. Its just so interesting how she was hidden for two years and survived not being outside. If I were Anne i don't think I'd be able to keep myself so quiet the way she did. Its so sad how Jews were treated as if they were just trash out on the street. In the book it gives details and so much to understand how bad it was during the Holcaust. I wouldnt change anything in the book its perfect the way it is. The book is just so touching and sad , when I first read it I felt like I was in the "Secret Annex". I would recomend this book to people who like biographys and interesting storys. Every time you read an entry you don't want to stop reading and you want to finish the book. If your a person who would always want to read somethiinteresting that always keep you guessing this is the book for you.(:
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