The picture relates to the book A Walk To Remember because its a sighn for leukemia. In the story Jaime has leukemia and was diagnosed two years before she had told Landon that she was sick. She had stopped responding to treatments because the doctor said she should just live as a "normal teenager" like every other teen. When Jaime had told Landon she was sick he didnt want to believe he kept denying it at first , not thinking or anything just in shock. As days went by Jaime had gotten weaker and tired then she was the day before. Landon had finally "excepted" that she was sick and continued loveing her as much as he had before he knew she was sick. When he had asked her to marry him Jaime had excepted and the summer after there marrage Jaime had past because of her sickness. Landon kept loving her , and in his mind she was still alive.
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